What is a pregnancy belly cast?
A pregnancy belly cast is a plaster cast made of an expecting mom's
beautiful pregnant belly. We use a pregnancy belly cast kit which enables moms to create a lasting memory of their pregnancy
in the privacy of mom's home in just 30 minutes. Photos and video can't capture an expecting mom's shape the way a pregnancy
belly cast can. A pregnancy belly cast enables a mom to forever remember how she looked during her pregnancy and the special
nine months she shared with her growing baby.
Is a pregnancy belly cast hard to make?
Making a pregnancy belly cast is easy. The end result is a perfect
3D memento of an expecting mom's belly. A pregnancy belly cast is created by applying several layers of wet plaster strips
to the front of mom's body. After the strips have set, they will hold her shape and the cast will come away from her body
and she will capture how beautiful she looked during her pregnancy. And after a pregnancy belly cast is made, it can be left
as is for a simple, yet elegant look, or it can be painted or decorated. Personalizing your belly cast with a design created
by you and your birth partner will add the perfect touch for making your casting unique!
Contact us today to set up a time for us to assist you!