The Door County Young Adult Pregnancy and Parent Support Program offers
a compassionate approach to parenting while buidling a supportive community foundation. We assist young parents
with childbirth education, birth support, infant and toddler care and parenting skills.
Our goal at the YAPS is to provide a supportive environment, which assists you towards your journey into
parenthood. Starting with pregnancy, we are here to help you connect to our community programs that best benefit you and your
baby. We spend time with you and your birth support team sharing childbirth education resources and information. We not only provide birth support for individuals, but also teach your "birth support" members
(birth partner, mother, sister, friend) comfort techniques to assist you during the time of your labor. We can accompany
you to the hospital and help with your birthing process. We are here for postpartum assistance after baby is born. We provide
one - on - one parenting skills, breastfeeding assistance and answering questions that may arise. Our continued support
is offered during our monthly parent support meetings where young parents are given the opportunity to build relationships
with other young moms and dads in our community.
We believe in a personal approach and would be happy to sit
down with you face - to - face and speak to you about our services. We have assisted several young parents. They are willing to speak to you directly regarding our educational programming,
birth support and postpartum assistance. For more information, please feel free to contact Kathy via the contact
information provided.